By now we have spent a considerable amount of time in the anti- Corona battle since the beginning of the problem. Undoubtedly it’s the biggest and gravest human tragedy we have faced in recorded history, after the Second World war.
There has been a continuing dialog in society, from the beginning (inception) of the problem relating to its various aspects.. Especially, in the context of developments in communication technology, a vast number of people are engaged as content producers or disseminators of ideas, particularly in the social media. When one looks at the pattern of information availability, at the beginning there was the circulation of news related to the problem with posts and short videos being the common formats used. Thereafter the nature of the dialog has changed especially among the learned segments of the society to more descriptive and analytical stuff. When people of various professional disciplines started contributing to the discussion, the content and the nature of the dialog has changed. It is timely and important to understand and manage the situation in a meaningful manner. It is observed that while adequate information and analysis is available in the on-going discourse, on health or medical aspects, as well as economic and political aspects, there is comparatively a lack of information on the several important legal aspects involved. We initially started this content creation as a research or fact finding exercise to make available relevant information on these legal aspects , to assist decision makers and opinion leaders. Later we thought of converting this exercise in to this format in order to motivate people to write in about these aspects and particularly to provide a forum for the participation of the professional legal community.